


Advance in Culture Communion

--- Our Brilliant Featured Courses

时间过得可真快,我们来了已经一个月了。这一个月从开始的东西文化冲击,到现在的适应融入,让我真切得感受到孩子们长大了, 他们每天都在进步。有国内文化课的基础,他们在这里的文化课融入可谓迅速,更让我感到欣慰的是,他们在各自的特色课上(所有的特色课均在校外的卡姆罗斯综合高中进行)的精彩表现,会让你觉得他们的未来没有什么不可能。下面就是宿苏外的孩子们在特色课上的表现。

How time flies! We have been here for a month. From the conflicts between Chinese and Western countries in the beginning to the boys’ fitting in now, I really feel that they have grown up, making progress every day. Based on their accumulation of their studies at home, they have adapted to the compulsory courses quickly now, and to my great relief, they perform perfectly in their featured courses, making people believe nothing is impossible for them in the future (all of their featured courses take place in Camrose Composite High School outside of our school). The following are the splendid performances of the international students from Suqian Suzhou Foreign Language School.


Two of the three boys have optional courses on the morning of Mondays, the other one on the morning of Fridays, and the lesson lasts the whole morning each time. Usually these lessons follow these steps: enjoying specific works, learning how to do their work, preparing and producing, completing the projects.

Jason(徐梓白) 开始选择的是设计课,任务是自己制作一个午餐包。按照老师指示流程,先选布,裁剪,缝制,锁边,绣上自己姓名,加扣等,最后梓白同学拿出了自己的精彩作品。

Jason chose Fashion Studies at first, whose task was to make a lunch bag. Following his teacher’s instructions and steps, he chose fabric, cut according to the pattern, sewed, serged, embroidered his name on the bag, sewed velcro, etc. Finally Jason finished his perfect project.


下图是Jason 和他的同学一起展示他们的午餐包。

The picture below illustrates Jason and his classmate are demonstrating their lunch bags.



Eric (王伟嘉)选择的是技术交流课,之后因为兴趣,Jason 也加入了。这堂课是老师带着孩子们学习摄影。从开始的欣赏,讲解,拍摄素材要求,分组,室外拍摄,现场指导,到后来的独立发现并拍摄,孩子们兴奋着,学习着,成长着。

Eric’s choice is Communication Technology, and now Jason is a new member of this course because of his interest. In this period the teacher teaches the children how to take photos. They appreciate works by great masters at first, listen to their teacher’s explanations and their tasks in this period, form groups, photograph outside, learn to take specific photos under the instructions of their teacher, and are able to find something meaningful and photograph them independently, all of them excited, advancing and growing.

下图为Eric 和Jason 在认真拍摄树根纹理,这也是老师本节课布置的作业之一。

In the picture below, Eric and Jason are photographing the texture of the tree root, which is one of their tasks given by their teacher in this period.





下图为Eric 和Jason 在调节相机,拍摄老师指定任务。

In the picture below, Eric and Jason are adjusting their cameras to photograph their assigned task.



Leo(陈亮宇) 选择的是烹饪课。课上,老师教会了同学如何解读每种食品的营养表及营养成分,教会大家如何健康饮食。之后就开始了学习制作各式餐点。Leo和自己本组的成员们一起做了苹果酥,美墨风味饼,老师给每人的作品打分后他们方可品尝自己的作品。最后孩子们全都自觉主动打扫收拾厨房。

Leo’s optional is Food Studies. In class, the teacher teaches the students how to understand the Nutrition Facts of different foods, and how to eat healthily. Then it is time for the students to make their assigned food. Leo and his team members work together and make their apple crisp and Tex-Mex melt, but they have to wait and enjoy their food after their teacher’s grading.


下图为Leo 和他的烹饪课组员( Damon, Kaden, Bredon )合影,后面的盘子里是他们一起做的苹果酥。

Below are Leo and his team members, as well as their apple crisp behind them.





下图为Leo 和同学们在烹饪课后自觉主动一起打扫厨房。

Leo is cleaning their kitchen with his classmates after class.




All boys like and choose bowling. In bowling class, besides the rules and skills of playing bowling, they’ve also gained pleasure and friendship, especially the profound significance in tempering their body and will.



In the picture below, Leo is giving his friend a high five after a grand slam.




Children should form groups in all activities of featured courses, from which they’ve got the significance of team work and the team spirit is certain to have active and significant influence on their future.

点击数: 发布时间:2017-05-12